I will start this blog post by stating that I don't really like poetry. Nothing against it, just not a fan personally. But we have a family friend who loves poetry and writes it constantly. A couple of years ago he was talking about how he had published some of his poems himself, but they were not really selling well.
I asked him if I could see what he had published. The set of poems contained within the book were good. And this is coming from someone who doesn't really care for poetry. But the layout of the book...not so good. That is one of my areas of expertise. So, I said can I try laying out the book using photographs and reordering the poems within the book. He said yes and gave me an opportunity to step into the world of poetry.
I actually got into reading each poem and then searching for a photograph that - in my mind - represented the soul of each poem. The poems range from love, loss, hate, anger, grief, and so on. We published the collection of poems under the name of Cursed by a Gift: A Poet's Dilemma in hardback form first. We have sold a few in hardback form but not the amount that should be going out the door. We a softcover edition at the printer right now that cuts the cost of the book drastically and we want you to give this poet the attention he deserves. We have this book available in for presale in softcover for $10.99. Order yours today.